Automated Power Generation In Burkina Faso | Towards A Shift To Solar Energy
Written by: Michael Horton Burkina Faso, a country in western Africa landlocked between Mali and Ghana to the north and south (respectively) has long been dependent on conventional fuels like biomass as well as traditional hydropower for electricity. However, such sources are either temporary or do not last in the longer run. Secondly, due to the country’s rapid urbanisation as well as growing energy needs , There is a necessity for automated good-performance electricity generation method.
The Power of Energy Access
Power coverage is still a work in progressfor many Burkinabe. With electricity access for the rural sector barely available at 20% and growing demand is putting a strain on urban areas as well…the World Bank Limited access to the grid further inhibits economic growth while simultaneously reducing quality of life, particularly in rural areas. The country depends heavily on fossil fuels to generate its electricity resulting in pollution and expensive energy.
Automation in Power Generation Phase
Electricity generation automation involve the application of complex control systems, modern sensors and data analytics to reduce power production cost or any incidents occurred during operation. Botswana —Make Automation Central BOTSWANA— Embed in the Energy SectorAutomated processes can really modernise energy production in Burkina Faso. Automation: Here are a few ways it can help
- Use of Renewable Energie thanks to its proximity near the equator, Burkina Faso has abundant renewable energy resources especially in solar power. Such advancement can aid in seamlessly storing, distributing and utilizing solar energy nationally through the national grid with automated systems. This is particularly critical in rural areas that have little traditional power infrastructure.
- Automation of the grid not only allows real-time tracking and visualisation for electricity flow, but also to identify where inefficiencies exist in both demand management or supply generation and bring a balance. Hence, such Microgrids are more reliable and leads to a reduction in power cut-offs as well promotes grid stability.
Energy efficiency A well-structured automation system can save energy by analyzing data from various sources. Smart meters, such as those that monitor household and industrial electricity use, offer consumers real-time data that can nudge them to save energy and avoid waste.
Predictive Maintenance: They can be used to create automated condition monitoring systems that can predict when a maintenance event will be required in a power plant or other infrastructure components, leading to less downtime and higher overall power system redundancy.
Automating Operations in Burkina Faso
Several initiatives that Burkina Faso has undertaken to move towards modernizing its electricity sector:
Solar Energy Investment — Burkina Faso has very high solar energy potential with an estimated solar irradiation of ~5.5 kWh/m²/day. Projects for large-scale solar energy also continue to be developed by the government and international partners with the aim of增强ing supply.